Drug could offer respite for alcoholics – 05/07/2011

By Rehman Tungekar Jul. 05, 2011 – http://www.wbez.org/episode-segments/2011-07-05/drug-could-offer-respite-alcoholics-88719#

Rehman Tungekar Baclofen was designed as a muscle relaxant. But a small group of physicians now prescribe it to patients suffering from alchoholism as a way to reduce patients’ craving for alchohol. Rehman Tungekar spoke with doctors and patients using the medication to help kick the habit. Rebecca agreed to meet in a quiet park, where there would be few people to overhear her speaking. Her real name isn’t Rebecca – she asked for an alias to be used. Rebecca’s been drinking since she was a teenager, but it was only in the past two years that she really began drinking excessively. “Oftentimes I would black out,” she recounted, “and every time I did it I would tell myself ‘Well, I’m not going to do that tomorrow night.’ And yet I did.”

In the past, Rebecca had tried Alcoholics Anonymous and even saw an addiction specialist, but it never seemed to be enough. “I think my drinking improved for a bit, but then it just kind of went back to drinking excessively,” she said, “so I really decided to start researching pharmacological agents to help with alcoholism.”

More : Baclofen Was Designed As A Muscle Relaxant

Traduction en français :  Le Baclofène est un relaxant musculaire

L’interview :

Association Baclofene